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Below is a collection of my favorite scenery photos. If you wish to purchase a photo, click on the photo and common purchasing options will appear on the right side of the screen. Click on "Visit Shop" to see all the purchasing options. Enjoy the day!
winter cairn 2024_12_03Teasel snowkennerdell lookout 11_25_2024local sunset79dit-Editautumn at Oil Creek 2024_10_23-3-Editautumn at Oil Creek 2024_10_23-9david fishing neshannock creek 2024_10_22Oil Creek Foggy Fishermen-2024_10_17day lillies and a stormwild foxglove 2024_06_07trees on rocks 2024_06_0tree fungus3 2024_06_07white foxglove 2024_06_06tree fungus2 2024_06_06leeann liggett trail 2024_06_04fighting trees 2024_06_04-5bug and fungus 2024_06_04-3bug and fungus 2024_06_04-2bug and fungus 2024_06_04-1tree fungus1 2024_06_04